Kicking Off 2024 with a clear vision – motivating teens for success

    The main thing

    Lack of focus and decision fatigue are big problems today. Consider this:

    • Teenagers are exhausted.
    • Parents are wrecked.
    • Teachers are burning out.

    We’re in a world of excessive choice and pressure to be perfect, as pushed by social media: having 6 pack abs, pearly white teeth, and top grades.

    But, we know reality is different. When struggling with focus, I turn to Stephen Covey, the author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.’ His advice? “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” This helps me:

    • Stay on track.
    • Stay focused.
    • Make better decisions.

    RAYSE THE GAME is about motivating teenagers. I:

    • Motivate them to study.
    • Show them that learning can be fun and interesting.
    • Teach the best study techniques.
    • Deliver high-energy seminars.
    • Provide therapy when needed.

    But when asked about my work, I say: I motivate teenagers and show them how to study.

    Last September, a parent shared her daughter Alanna’s story with me. Alanna was struggling with focus and stress. After working with me, she excelled in her exams and found her purpose. This feedback keeps me:

    • On track.
    • Focused.
    • Connected with my purpose.
    • Resistant to distractions.

    My 2024 intention for you and your teen: If you’re feeling lost or distracted, ask yourself – what is your main thing? This can make life more fulfilling and happier for you and your teen.

    Ray Langan

    Ray Langan

    I help students and young people go from anxious and overwhelmed to calm and confident (and get better grades than ever before). I show students how to study smarter and learn faster using my unique methods. I am an award-winning speaker, coach and therapist and I can help you help your teen to RAYSE THEIR GAME.

    Upcoming Events

    Rayse the game motivational study skills seminars

    I am fully booked out in 2024. We are now taking bookings for the Rayse the Game Motivation March Tour. Get In Touch Now.

    Elevate coaching and mentoring programme

    I am 60% sold out for the first cycle starting Monday August 26th.Watch our free webinar herefor more information and book a Clarity Call with me or one of my team.