
Rayse The Game study skills and motivation

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Inspirational seminars that gave our students a real sense they can achieve.

Seamus Mohan

Principal, Mullingar Community College

Rayse The Game

Study Skills in the Digital Age

Young people are spending up a quarter of their waking hours on social media and/or gaming consoles. 1 out of 3 teenagers will experience anxiety. Severe anxiety has doubled to 22% in the last 10 years. Over 60% of those who sit the leaving cert do not get more 400 points and as such they can lack motivation, and find school and study boring. Technology, social media and helicopter parenting is having an adverse impact. Many young people are less resilient, less motivated and give up quicker. However,many students are still striving for big points and want to succeed. Teen anxiety is a growing problem.

Rayse The Game is a high impact seminar and a fresh approach to study skills helping every type of student develop the drive, direction and discipline to succeed in school and exams. This programme is a proven unique approach to study using the principles of positive psychology (Self Determination Theory), 21st century learning and gamification to help them change their thinking and elevate their performance in the digital age.

What we cover

In this talk, I’ll show students my step-by-step framework to change the game in terms of their performance in school, study and their well-being. I will help them discover how to self-motivate, organise and learn faster in a more fun way using lots of methods and more importantly mindset. I will also help overcome their limiting beliefs and that attitude is the key to success. This programme fosters self-motivation and drive to succeed.

What they’ll learn and do

  • Create a clear and concise Study Plan to achieve targets and goals.
  • Key Strategies to increase energy, overcome procrastination and bounce out of bed.
  • Advanced productivity hacks that can help them get more done in less time.
  • Learn my practical powerful 30 Minute Study System empowering students showing students in a step-by-step way how to bring a topic from textbook to notebook in less than half an hour.
  • How to create powerful notes and one-page summaries using my own innovative note taking technique called StudyGridZ which will help every student dramatically cut notetaking time by 50%.
  • How to self-motivate, ‘ditch the phone and get into the zone’ and take control of their time, space and schedule.

And lots more…


Length of Seminar: 2 hours

What makes Rayse The Game Study Skills different?

Work with me

I will help your child improve their grades by making studying fun and creative.


Ray Langan Coaching