Transform their study
Motivate your students
With a Rayse the Game motivational study skills seminar
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Rayse the Game 360
Are your students struggling?
Adolescents and teenagers are 5 to 8 times more likely to experience symptoms of an anxiety disorder than young people were during the Great Depression and WWII. This generation of teens has been labelled the most anxious generation ever. Many lack motivation, drive and enthusiasm. Social media and screen addiction are having a massive impact. This generation, known as Gen Z, needs something different. This is why you need RAYSE THE GAME.
Learn moreWhy book RAYSE THE GAME?
The fundamental problem is that students do not know how to study. Ray teaches his renowned 30-Minute Study Sprint and WHIZGRID notetaking method in a way that entertains and engages young people. This helps foster a growth mindset. Helping students go from anxious and overwhelmed to calm and confident is his jam! With over 15 years and 10,000 hours of experience in schools and classrooms, RAYSE THE GAME has become the most in-demand motivational study skills programme in Ireland.
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Why hire Ray
With close to 15 years experience working in the education sector, Ray is a leading expert in his field and has delivered programmes in close to 200 schools and 100,000 students. An award-winning speaker, Ray is an Edutainer and delivers educational content in a way that is unique and memorable. Ray is a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist (1st class honours) and certified NLP practitioner. As an experiment Ray also went back and achieved an A1 in Leaving Cert history using his unique study system which he shares with your students.
Get in touchWhat teachers are saying

If your students are demotivated and need a new approach, give Ray a call. He will get them going. There is something in his programme for every type of student.
Rachel O'Connor
Ramsgrange Community School

Inspiring. Enthusiastic. Very motivational. Thoroughly recommend Ray if you feel your students and staff need a lift.
Eugene O'Brien
Principal Hamilton High School, Cork
What students are saying
Before I didn’t know how to study, but now I know how to effectively study.
Desmond College
I loved the music, the ball game and his enthusiasm which made the seminar fun.
St Caimin's College
The best thing I learned was the Study Gridz for quick notetaking and his quotes around Mindset.
Presentation College, Athenry
High Impact Coaching

Grinds, extra tuition, revision books and past paper websites can be some of the WORST ways to help a Highly Anxious teen achieve in school. The fact is many students today feel left behind, highly anxious and even humiliated. The students we work with go from anxious and overwhelmed to confident and calm and go on to achieve better grades than ever before. Many of these students are neurodiverse and identify as having dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, ASD, Autism and/or anxiety and depression. With the right tools and approach they can thrive and elevate their performance and confidence very quickly and succeed in school and beyond.
Struggling with procrastination and starting your study?
If you’re like most of the parents, teachers and coaches I meet, you’re committed to helping the next generation get ahead in school, with their studies and on their screens. Procrastination is a BIG problem for most students I work with. Screen addiction and anxiety are at epidemic levels.
This is why I created the kick-start kit.
There’s only one way to get it—by subscribing to our free video coaching newsletter.